Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Little Yellow Bungalow

We moved in yesterday. Our little yellow bungalow has been my favorite home in town for many years. I never imagined I would one day live there with my husband and our two sons. The house was built in the 1940s. I love its charm and simplicity. So many of the homes we looked at while house hunting seemed overly done. Cookie cutter homes and mini mansions on foreclosure flooded the market. We spanned a 40 mile radius while searching and the Lord led us two blocks down the road.  
The bungalow is surrounded by treasures. The largest gardenia bush I have ever seen is in my backyard, I really do marvel at its health and size. Gardenias are usually delicate and the humidity is hard on them. This one seems to have been thriving for years. We have 15 different types of palm trees and a few tropical plants that I really enjoy like White Bird of Paradise and Heliconias. 
Our white picket fence is going up in two weeks. I am marking out my garden and planning the beds all ready. My seeds came in the mail a few week ago. Among them: larkspur, sweet pea, poppies, delphiniums, passion flower, daisies, tropical wysteria, blue sage, creeping thyme, and a dozen others. I am so eager to create something beautiful for myself and my family. There is so much in this city that is quick and harsh. I want my boys to experience the timeless and the delicate. Working the earth and watching things grow are two of the most satisfying pleasures I can think of.  I can't wait to start!
Tomorrow the last box will be unpacked and we can start burrowing down back into our routine. The Bear is really curious about our new home. I want to take our time introducing him to it. He is increasingly interested in books these days and I have built him a small library in our new living room. I am hoping to buy him a cozy chair for reading in his special corner of the house.  And so, our new days at home begin tomorrow morning. We'll bake bread, play in the yard, cuddle up with our stories, and learn something new about our small world.

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort~ Jane Austen

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