Tuesday, December 1, 2009


The day of travel took its toll on us. We woke up feeling bone-deep weariness. Bear has a slight cold, J is out of sorts and Cubby is taking longer than usual to settle down for the night.

I made the most of my day by cleaning the bungalow from top to bottom. A few knick knacks from Grandma's house were cycled into the organizing bins, travel documents safely corralled into folders and a bit of garden therapy rounded out the afternoon. Cubby's Christmas stocking arrived while we were out of town and I took a few minutes today to hang it up next to Bear's stocking. Lastly, I set aside a bit of time for baking and made Pumpkin muffins and quick bread for the week. I love this recipe. The muffins are moist and sweet and the quick bread has a beautiful golden crumb. For anyone interested in indulging their taste buds....

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Bread /Muffins

1C yogurt
3C Pumpkin
4 Eggs
1C Brown Sugar
1/2C Sugar
8 T Butter (melted)
4 1/2C Flour
2 T Baking Powder
1 t. Baking Soda
1 t. Salt
3T Cinnamon
3T Fresh Ginger
1T Pumpkin Spice
Chocolate Chips to your heart's content
A few crushed Pecans for good measure

350 degrees until golden brown.

I'll be taking the next few days to nurse the Bear and soothe our travel-weary souls. Happily, this is the time of year when I choose 4 childhood books I love and re-read them. This year the Anne of Green Gables series is on my list and I decided to read all eight books before my birthday next week. Life seems so much brighter with Anne Shirley's musings in my head.


mora68 said...

I enjoy getting caught up on your blogs :o)

One of my favorite things since getting married and starting my own family is creating our own Christmas traditions. The memories you create are priceless.

I will have to try the pumpkin muffin recipe very soon...sounds delish!


Déjà Blue said...

I want to try this recipe! Good plane snack - as we're departing VERY early. Pumpkin muffins will hit the spot...and keep the whining at bay, or at least, hope?