Thursday, September 24, 2009

Cubby the Conqueror

Yesterday I noticed a strange bump in Cubby's mouth while nursing him. I began a quick investigation whereupon I discovered the faintest strip of white peeking through his pink gums. I jumped to my feet and began calling relatives to proudly announce, "Baby's first tooth!"

"You get a new sticker in your baby book today!" I said proudly.

"grrrrrrlllllllmamamamamphhhhht" came his reply.

An hour later, the faint strip of white popped and I realized it was only a blister.

'Sorry babe, no sticker in your book today."

Not to be defeated by a blister, Cubby determined to conquer the next mountain in baby development before the day's end. He refused to nap bereft of a landmark accomplishment for his baby book.

I dropped Cubby off in his pack and play, completely unaware of his resolution. I started making dinner, set a mound of dough to rise, and slipped into my room for a few minutes to fold laundry.

No sooner had I set down the last sock when I heard Cubby screaming at full voice. I ran to the living room and much to my surprise, discovered that he was standing up in his pack and play.

Cubby can sit up unassisted, he can crawl a few feet, but he has never before hauled himself up to a standing position. I still have no idea how he managed it! He stood there screaming and crying for a minute while I stared in shock. Then I realized his discontentment came from being unable to lower himself back down. Poor baby. He worked so hard for that one little sticker.

Late in the afternoon I gave him a nice warm bubble bath. He emerged from the tub smelling sweet and lemon fresh. I combed his hair and tucked him into his teddy bear pajama. Then we sat down together, opened his baby book, and I helped him paste on the newest marker in his book.

He is 8 months old today and already a conqueror.

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