Saturday, May 5, 2012


Every time I round the corner into the kitchen, my eye automatically searches out the calendar on our fridge. For months now, I seek out that scrap of organization that keeps an account of our days. 

How many months left?

How many weeks to go?

Will he be home tonight?

Will he get a chance to rest tomorrow?

67 days to go, Lord, will we ever make it?

Its been five long years since we made the move down to Miami to begin J’s PhD program. I was four months pregnant. The only responsibility in our newlywed life was a shaggy pup named Frank. Life was simple and manageable and filled with curiosity over what our future would bring. We knew the Lord wanted us here. We knew he would lead us and sustain us. 

But I must admit, back then, it was something I meant only in words….today, five years later, I can say those words and mean them with every fiber of my being.

I have seen the Lord carry my husband through dark days of uncertainty and exhaustion. I have felt his sustaining hand on the days when I thought we would fail, when dark whispers surrounded my mind and urged me to buy into the notion that I was a terrible mother, a burdensome wife, unloveable, incapable, a hopeless mess.  He was there. He made himself known over and over again. 

Holding onto us when death tried to snatch us away. 

Restoring us each time he refined us.

Always keeping His promises.

Life has been very hard, but so filled with Him that it has been a joy. 

I am so proud of J.  He graduates this week with his doctorate.  I am suddenly a “Mrs. Dr.” and I could not be more honored to belong to this man. 

We still don’t know where the Lord wants us next. Applications have gone out everywhere…from Fairbanks, Alaska; to Houston, Texas; to Doylestown, Pennsylvania. We appreciate your prayers in the coming weeks as J decides where the Lord wants him to lead our family next. 

This is a big week for us. We get to spend days upon days celebrating J. All of his hard work and accomplishments, the new title, the release of stress and nerves. His family is coming down to be with us and we get to spend a whole week playing and laughing with our nieces and nephews. Joy! 

Congratulations Dr. J, I’ve got my eye on the calendar, I can’t wait to see where we go next! 



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