Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm back


I don't think I have had a minute to myself since the last time I posted. My mom came over today and as she held the Babe and watched over the Bear and Cubs, I snuck off to the bathroom to pee. Alone. TMI? Sorry. But it was a monumental moment for me. I got to pee alone in the bathroom. Its been awhile since that happened, there is usually quite the crowd in there when I pee.

A few days ago, Cubs watched as I went. He noticed the anatomical differences and asked, with a concerned look on his face, about the whereabouts of my penis. "Nope. Mommy doesn't have one of those." He responded with great sadness, "oh no!!!" He pet my hand, gave me a little smile and walked away.

Privacy is a wonderful thing.

Anyways, I didn't sit down to post about my escapades in the bathroom.

Life has been busy, its true. 3 under 3 is just as crazy as it sounds, but oh the fun. I love my babies. I love that they love each other. I love their fingers, toes, giggles, bellies, and their long eyelashes. You know what I love most of all? That they are NOT triplets.

Being off bed rest is fantastic. A fire works worthy moment of my life. I am up and about, cleaning spaghetti off booster seats, changing diapers, breast feeding while doing my household chores, playing tickle monster, chasing toddlers. J grabbed me in the kitchen the other day and hugged me for awhile. "Its so great to have you back," he said.

I feel the same way.

This week, I am reading up on some home schooling books by Linda Dobson. They've been extremely helpful and I am learning so much about my little boys. I am also catching up on a few way laid projects. Once I am caught up on those, I'll be turning my sights back onto this blog. I'd really like to include more resources that have helped/are helping me manage the house and the kids. While this is still a space for recording these next few years for my boys to look back on and enjoy one day, I would like to provide something for my girlfriends that are reading this each week. :)

I'd love to write more but there is this tiny bundle propped up on a pillow next to me. He is squirming around and making the cutest noises. That sweet baby smell is also wafting up in a way that beckons this Mommy in a way she can't refuse. What deliciousness. Mommy out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooooohhhh I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have some resources on managing house and children. I feel like I'm floundering at this SAHM thing. I need HELP.

I'm so glad these days give you such joy. Praise God for His good gifts.
