Saturday, November 27, 2010


The boys are on a major dinosaur kick. They LOVE all things dinosaur related. They love to play with plastic models, read books on the subject and have even memorized upwards of twenty scientific names (cretoxyrhina anyone?). They stomp, munch, and ROAR around the house...just like dinosaurs.

A few weeks ago I ordered a few more toy dinosaurs from a surplus sale online. These dinos were teen tiny ones, essentially baby dinosaurs for the larger ones the boys already own. I knew my boys would love this idea. The Bear loves to categorize things into shapes, colors, and types. Cubs loves animal babies and mommies, he is all about the relationship aspect of play! Double win.

The dinosaurs arrived yesterday. 24 tiny little dinosaurs oddly packaged in a very large cardboard box.

I should mention that cardboard boxes are really exciting. I have to remind you of that, because for some reason as we grow older, we silly adults forget the magic of cardboard.

I took a pair of scissors and a magic marker to the box. I made a tunnel for the boy's trains to pass through for delivery of the precious baby dinosaur cargo to expectant Mommy and Daddy dinosaurs. The boys went bonkers for this game! So did I. J and I are thinking of adopting in a few years and anytime I can get this idea across to the boys its a major plus. Although, as the Bear pointed out to me, sometimes dinosaur adoption can be tricky...

"No, Mommy. Baby Triceratops can't live with Mommy Tyrannosaurus Rex because she's a carnivore and Baby Triceratops is an herbivore."

Good point, Bear. Utopian dinosaur communities do not exist. Interesting that even though they love watching pansy versions of dinosaur shows on television which portray T-rex and Triceratops living in perfect harmony, the boys still have an innate understanding that when it comes to dinos, its eat or be eaten.

Well our game started and the boys began their imaginary play. A few overheard comments:

1) "Oh! My baby Pteranodon loves his Mommy Spinosaurus. They are eating fish together and reading a book." ~B

2) "Nice to meet you" -C introducing babies to their mommies.

3) "The pleasure is all mine"- B responding to C's introductions.

4) "Look out, its the Velociraptor. Take your leaves and run!" ~B to all the peaceful herbivores on the south end of the tunnel.

5) Cubby made a Triceratops bite a Stegosaurus. "OUCH" said the Stegosaurus. "NAUGHTY" reprimanded a nearby Spinosaurus. "I so sorry. I love you." responded the contrite Triceratops. "Its O-tay." said Cubby, the patient diplomatic supervisor of dinosaur relations.

This game continued for...drumroll please... AN HOUR AND A HALF. That's right folks, 90 minutes of blissful, peaceful, imaginative playtime.

At one point the Bear started matchmaking and introduced some of the single Mommy dinosaurs to a few lonely Daddy dinosaurs. He attributed J's characteristics to the Daddy dinos and my characteristics to the Mommy dinos. Here is one example...

"Mommy Microraptor this is Daddy Allosaurus. Daddy Allosaurus goes to bicycle school, he is amazing! Mommy Microraptor is making special cakes. She is going to hug you and clean your boogies."

SIDE NOTE: J rides a bicycle to school every day, hence the idea of "bicycle school."

Suddenly, the Bear had Mommy Microraptor and Daddy Allosaurus dialoging...

"Daddy Allosaurus?"
"Yes Mommy Microraptor?"
"Take out the trash."

Yet another example of how the boys have an innate understanding of life.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm back


I don't think I have had a minute to myself since the last time I posted. My mom came over today and as she held the Babe and watched over the Bear and Cubs, I snuck off to the bathroom to pee. Alone. TMI? Sorry. But it was a monumental moment for me. I got to pee alone in the bathroom. Its been awhile since that happened, there is usually quite the crowd in there when I pee.

A few days ago, Cubs watched as I went. He noticed the anatomical differences and asked, with a concerned look on his face, about the whereabouts of my penis. "Nope. Mommy doesn't have one of those." He responded with great sadness, "oh no!!!" He pet my hand, gave me a little smile and walked away.

Privacy is a wonderful thing.

Anyways, I didn't sit down to post about my escapades in the bathroom.

Life has been busy, its true. 3 under 3 is just as crazy as it sounds, but oh the fun. I love my babies. I love that they love each other. I love their fingers, toes, giggles, bellies, and their long eyelashes. You know what I love most of all? That they are NOT triplets.

Being off bed rest is fantastic. A fire works worthy moment of my life. I am up and about, cleaning spaghetti off booster seats, changing diapers, breast feeding while doing my household chores, playing tickle monster, chasing toddlers. J grabbed me in the kitchen the other day and hugged me for awhile. "Its so great to have you back," he said.

I feel the same way.

This week, I am reading up on some home schooling books by Linda Dobson. They've been extremely helpful and I am learning so much about my little boys. I am also catching up on a few way laid projects. Once I am caught up on those, I'll be turning my sights back onto this blog. I'd really like to include more resources that have helped/are helping me manage the house and the kids. While this is still a space for recording these next few years for my boys to look back on and enjoy one day, I would like to provide something for my girlfriends that are reading this each week. :)

I'd love to write more but there is this tiny bundle propped up on a pillow next to me. He is squirming around and making the cutest noises. That sweet baby smell is also wafting up in a way that beckons this Mommy in a way she can't refuse. What deliciousness. Mommy out.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


He's here.

After 6 long weeks of bed rest and 77 hours of labor, he decided to make his big entrance. That sentence says so much about him...six weeks of "please, please, please, Mommy, can I come out and play?" And then when he gets the green light, he takes his sweet time. This has been duly noted in our parenting journals.

Most women have their own perspective on labor and their own pieces of advice/horror that they like to pass on to other expectant mothers. There are times when a friend comes to me for advice on their upcoming birth choices and its tempting to sit them down and talk their ears off about my own experiences. But really, how is that helpful? Especially when the advice/stories err on the side of horror? I typically advise to find the place where my friend feels the most support and safety. For me, that place is home and not a hospital.

We spent the first part of our labor in the hospital, where my labor dragged on and failed to progress. No surprise there. I hate hospitals. I hate needles. I hate drugs. They make me feel threatened. I also really hate having to explain myself and my birthing preferences to a nursing staff that only wants to help me in the ways they have been trained to help. It makes me feel almost bratty and ungrateful to say, "No IV, no this, no that, etc." It just adds to the stress of it all. The hospital itself was wonderful, but I just didn't fit there, its not what my body or my baby needed. I cried a lot. I missed my boys terribly. We ended up going home after 18 hours, still in labor and very frustrated.

Laboring at home took a while as well. Little boy was taking his sweet time readjusting, alternately letting me rest and then making me sick to my stomach. My body started feeling really exhausted as the hours dragged on, but being home made all the difference. I could eat food and keep up my strength. I could walk around without needles jabbing my veins. I could be with my boys.

Things finally picked up when I decided to stop thinking about labor. My mom took me to the ever wonderful garden center and bought me half the nursery. We came home and I set to work with J in the garden. It was only a matter of minutes before labor kicked in full swing.

"Pain" is always associated with labor. At the hospital, someone came in to check on me every hour and a half, one of the first questions they always asked was, "What is your pain level." They would roll their eyes when I said, "zero" or "I don't think of it as pain." (Again, stuff like this made me feel like a huge pain in the ass to them). At home, no one said the word. I stuck the concept up on the shelf and let the contractions do their thing. Are contractions comfortable wonderful joyous things? Of course not. Contractions are awful, but they are getting me somewhere I desperately want to be at in order to reach my end goal which in the course of 60 hours has transferred from BIRTH to SLEEP.

We labored quietly and intensely until it was time to push. Like his brother Cubs, this little guy had his hand up by his face and refused to move it. Needless to say, moving him through my cervix hurt like hell. He has a bruise on his arm to as a little badge from our battle of the wills. I won't go into details, but I had a very rough 15-20 minutes of convincing my son to drop his arms and go through my cervix. Once he did, he was out in two pushes. My midwife hollered for J's mom and my parents and sister to "GET OVER HERE FAST!" so that they wouldn't miss his big entrance. J and I birthed the baby in an inflatable tub in our living room. I wanted to pass out after he came, I was so bone tired. I also felt amazed that he held on until 2:11 AM so that he could be born at 37 weeks and 2 days, just like his two older brothers. Creepy little perfectionists that they are...

The Babe weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz. although today he weighs in at 6lbs 6 oz since he is BMing like a champ! We think he looks just like the Bear. Cubs refuses to leave his side. He wants to hold him all the time and lets out the sweetest, "No, no, no, MY BABY" when someone comes to take the Babe away.

My favorite moments of our first day together (not including moments that involved sleeping or doughnuts with pink icing) have been the quiet, still ones. Sitting in bed with all three of my boys lined up at my side watching Speed Racer, their little bodies quietly breathing in and out together. What a precious moment....God knows all the other ones from here on out won't be anything like this first one.

My in-laws leave Monday and it will be back to the old routine plus one, for me. Three under three. Lord have mercy. I have decided to concentrate all my thoughts on what to bake during nap time. Something with enough chocolate to get me through the week!